Friday, March 31, 2006

Lie Busters!

I am thinking of renaming my blog 'Lie Busters'. Lately, every issue I start examining turns into a bunch of twisted rotten lies, and disintegrates at the slightest touch. Everything, you name it.

Ours is the world of lies, for true, and I am only beginning to understand it.

Man, being a realist sure does wear you out.

On a more optimistic note:

If there's something weird in your neighborhood
Who you gonna call? LIE BUSTERS!
If there's something strange and it don't look good
Who you gonna call? LIE BUSTER!
(Oh yeah)
I ain't afraid of no lie,
Lie busting makes me feel good!


Saturday, March 25, 2006


And our reason #10561 for homeschooling is ... [drrrrumroll]

The missing link
Scientist discovers that evolution is missing from Arkansas classrooms.

[..] “Bob” is a geologist and a teacher at a science education institution that serves several Arkansas public school districts. [..] Teachers at his facility are forbidden to use the “e-word” (evolution) with the kids. They are permitted to use the word “adaptation” but only to refer to a current characteristic of an organism, not as a product of evolutionary change via natural selection. They cannot even use the term “natural selection.” Bob feared that not being able to use evolutionary terms and ideas to answer his students’ questions would lead to reinforcement of their misconceptions.

But Bob’s personal issue was more specific, and the prohibition more insidious. In his words, “I am instructed NOT to use hard numbers when telling kids how old rocks are. I am supposed to say that these rocks are VERY VERY OLD ... but I am NOT to say that these rocks are thought to be about 300 million years old.” [..]

The explanation that had been given to Bob by his supervisors was that their science facility is in a delicate position and must avoid irritating some religious fundamentalists who may have their fingers on the purse strings of various school districts. Apparently his supervisors feared that teachers or parents might be offended if Bob taught their children about the age of rocks and that it would result in another school district pulling out of their program.

Let me get it straight.

As early as 1925 Scopes Monkey trial tested in court the Butler Act, an unconstitutional law which forbade "public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals".

The case generated an overwhelming publicity, but in the end the anti-evolutionists won, and the teaching of the evolutionary theory was against the law in Tennessee for another 40 years.

Butler Act was repelled as unconstitutional in Tennessee in the 60-ies, and finally US Supreme Court in Epperson v. Arkansas 393 U.S. 97 suled all such bans as unconstitutional, on the grounds that their primary purpose is RELIGIOUS (thank you very much!).

Nevertheless, the state of Alabama continues to use the disclaimer stickers warning students against accepting evolution as a fact, and encouraging them to "keep an open mind". Other similar efforts to introduce pseudo-scientific concepts in science curriculums abound in other states, including Arkansas, as described in the article.

I find a few things seriously wrong with the picture. Pick your winner, and I'll tell you mine.

For one, it is disturbing that teaching a scientific concept became a loaded political issue. And then we wonder why kids do poorly in math and science.

Further, it is very disconcerting when evolution is denied and sidelined on the basis of "free speech" and "fair and balanced approach", and argument commonly envoqued by anti-evolutionists. Essentially, this gives equal weight and meaning to the concepts of evolution and creationism / intelligent design. This demonstrates their complete and total lack of understanding of what evolutionary theory they are so afraid of, is really about. Come to think of it, it is patently absurd that a court, local or Supreme, is considered competent to judge right or wrong in this situation. Western legalism in action.

The truth is that the theory of evolution is not a FACT, and never have been considered as fact by scientists. It is just what it is -- a THEORY. It came a long way since Darwin's time, and have been thouroughly revised based on our modern knowledge of genes and mutations. And yes, it doesn't explain everything.

However, evolutionary theory is the only SCIENTIFIC theory of the origin and development of life that we have. 'Scientific' means that it follows scientific research process, from hypothesis through experiment/observation to conclusions.

Creationism and a recently popular wishy-washy concept of 'intelligent design' are NOT scientific. Their basis lies in the belief in the God-creator, or a similar conviction, which must be taken a priori in good faith, and cannot possibly be confirmed or refuted.

And yet, this fundamental differences between science and non-science are blurred regularly, even by the new Pope, no less.

Additionally, what bothered me in the original article is the overwhelming complicity of silence around the issue and obvious pattern of intimidation of teachers. Scary as all get out.

Finally, IMO the winner is an obnoxiously obvious implication of "the money trail". Quoting the original article:

[..] directors agreed that “in a perfect world” they could, and would, teach evolution and deep time. However, back in the real world, they defended their stance on the prohibition of the “e-word,” reasoning that it would take too long to teach the concept of evolution effectively (especially if they had to defuse any objections) and expressing concern for the well-being of their facility. Their program depends upon public support and continued patronage of the region’s school districts, which they felt could be threatened by any political blowback from an unwanted evolution controversy.

With regard to Bob’s geologic time scale issue, the program director likened it to a game of Russian roulette. He admitted that probably very few students would have a real problem with a discussion about time on the order of millions of years, but that it might only take one child’s parents to cause major problems. He spun a scenario of a student’s returning home with stories beginning with “Millions of years ago …” that could set a fundamentalist parent on a veritable witch hunt, first gathering support of like-minded parents and then showing up at school board meetings until the district pulled out of the science program to avoid conflict. He added that this might cause a ripple effect, other districts following suit, leading to the demise of the program. [..]

Again, this is not about TRUTH, or calling apples 'apples' and oranges 'oranges'. It is about the fact that whoever pays the piper orders the tune.

Unfortunately, I have observed a few examples of this same thing in my own community.

One was when a local library, a brand new facility with a coffee bar and a video/dvd collection to rival that of Netflix, informed me that they are charging a buck for each interlibrary loan, because -- get this -- they need money, and people in the community said in a survey that they just don't value this particular service. To reflect that, the library mission statement is that they are first "providers of popular culture resourses", and only after that "are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge". Apparently, my minority status of someone who actually visits the library to get BOOKS, comes with a price tag.

Another one happened just recently, when a superintendant of a local school district spoke to moms in the playgroup we attend, and consistently referred to us parents as their -- get this -- 'customers'!! Yes, we are customers (we, not even our children), consumers of the service they provide. Aside from education, parents apparently need a plain old baby-sitting service. The number of parents who want full-day kindergarten has doubled in the past five years; such parents are now a majority. And the school system is on its toes to meet the need, notwithstanding lack of research that would confirm any benefits of full day K for an average child.

No reason to wonder why our kids' education is so poor. Money is not an issue, otherwise schools wouldn't spend $50K+ on putting together the Cats musical -- kid you not, read it in the Wall Street Journal today.

Kids learn what we want them to learn, no more, no less. So, to see the responsible party, one only has to look in the mirror.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

on defending yourself

There is a book called BabyWise on the shelf of the parenting section in our library. It looked innocent enough, but actualy it is a secularised version of the Growing Kids God's Way (GKGW) parenting approach, espoused by Gary Ezzo and his ministry, Growing Families Inyernational. They encourage Bible-based approach to child rearing, or rather what they understand it to be, since Bible is pretty nebulous regarding the actual methods of raising children -- after all, this isn't its main focus.

There is a great deal of critic of this method here , which pretty much sums it all up. Moreover, doubts are raised over the integrity of Mr. Ezzo himself. The pattern of lying and plagiarizing is especially alarming.

Yet at the same time, Mr. Ezzo and his organization have many supporters, who love his child-rearing curriculum and staunchily defend his character, basing largely on their overwhelmingly positive impressions from personal interactions. However, in light of what we know about ponerology and psychopaths, personal impression would be something that we should trust least of all in such controversy.

It all comes down to the question: who is lying and who is telling the truth? I think that the websites I quoted above are suffient to carefully examine all available evidence. But to make a conclusion, one must also correlate both theory AND practice of Ezzo's GKWG with one's own deep-seated convictions about how we should parent our children.

If you find yourself in a deadlock, here is the featherweight that should move the scale.

The most notable thing to me is that, despite the seriousness of all the allegations, nowhere do Mr. Ezzo and his team publicly defend themselves. Their way of dealing with problems is to move to a different locations and affiliations, dismiss critics as evil and malicious individuals, and/or subtly change the tone of their materials, to create ambiguity allowing for difference in interpretation. But the task of defence itself, appears to be relegated to their supporters, who have put up a dedicated site -- and even this is a recent development.

My experience has been exactly the opposite. Truly honest people DO defend themselves personally, making available to the public all related information and communications. Such defence is all the more urgent if you uphold an important principle, and if your life's work is being threatened.

Here is an example of just such insidious COINTELPRO attack. Notice transparency, timely response and detailed account of all that happened, with factual evidence attached -- all personally put together by the affected party.

All of this is notably absent in Ezzo's case.

Monday, March 20, 2006

V for Vendetta!

I have seen 'V for Vendetta' over the weekend and give it two thumbs up. I don't want to spoil the show for you by revealing the plot in advance, but will say a few words about it nonetheless.

V for Vendetta isn't as much of an action movie or a suspense thriller as one would expect basing on the Wachowski brother's previous hit, The Matrix trilogy. This seems to have confused a bunch of reviewers and resulted in an average rating of B or B-. Well, let me tell you -- they are wrong. The movie has a well thought-out plot, and flows like a good story.

The main character, V, sais at some point, 'writers use a lie to tell the truth' -- and this fits perfectly the movie itself, which practically spells out everything that happened here since 911 and before, you can't make it any clearer. This is why it is genuinely amusing to me when people interpret the movie as promoting terrorism, or see it as a debate of whether terrorism can be justified, as in 'end justifies the means'. IMO blowing up an empty building, with music and fireworks, seems a lot less terroristic than killing 80,000+ people as a part of elaborate plot. This is what totalian regime in the movie did to come to power, while making all participants very rich as an added bonus.

The real question to ponder is what DOing something about the grizzly reality does to a person. This is why V's mask never comes off -- because there is no face behind it. His path made him barely human, and turnes him into an immortal idea. This is where Evey's role is very important, because while she learns from him, she also teaches him something -- gives him back his heart, in a way.

As with the Matrix movies, there are many esoteric references, key words and images scattered throughout; an example would be the red rose, a drop of blood and the shape of an apple it makes when put in a glass of yellow liquid. Domino effect is another loaded symbol. Lastly, I imagine that the part when V puts Evey through a prison experience as a means of killing her fear, was totally lost on many people; but the whole scene was symbolic of initiation, down to Evey's shaved head, her prison gown that looked more like the orange robe of a buddist monk, and the water and fire images.

I interpret a large part of the movie as a symbol of esoteric initiation and path IN the world, utilizing the shocks that a sick pathocratic system amply provides, with a goal of creating an alternative future. The real Fourth Way path, in some sense.

However, the impression from the movie was somewhat overshadowed by a couple of things I learned about the Wachowski's. Apparently, there was a truly bizarre story of Larry Wachowski getting heavily into BDTM right after the first Matrix movie, and him getting together with a prominent LA dominatrix, with accompanying divorces on both sides. Rumors abound that he is transgender, and there is a talk about sex
change operation.

There is a Rollinge Stone article dealing extensively with this issue. It may have more details about the whole affair than one cares to find out -- I certainly have learned more than I bargained for, so caveat lector.

The bottom line is, IMO Wachowskis are NOT on the roll. The 'V for Vendetta'
project was started before the Matrix trilogy, and there is nothing else coming down the pipe. They haven't even directed the V movie. They are keeping quieter and quieter as time goes by, and now will only be making videogames and comic books, if that.

I always thought that Wachowski brothers are somehow 'in the know'. Another way to look at it is to hypothesize that a lot of creative people get their ideas from some universal pool. This seems innocent enough; but the material presented here puts an extra twist onto the concept. Apparently there may be an Army of superhuman psychic projectors who are beaming ideas into people's heads, inspiring them to rethink certain universal myths and incorporate important ideas in their creative work. I'll take that -- I like Star Treck :).

Nevertheless, whatever it is that they know or 'get' from somewhere about the Matrix and other aspects of hidden reality, IMO doesn't seem to be accompanied by the real understanding of 'the terror of the situation'. Otherwise may be LW wouldn't have fallen for the Woman in Red (a specially designed one in this case, with a bullwhip and all).

I have seen this kind of thing before, and it just makes me very, very sad.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

a carrier of many grains of sand

As the sand of my time began its trickle,
So I came to be
I was a happy child,
Playing with grains of sand,
Rustling softly as they fell.

Until one day it was no longer enough,
And I began to ask. And kept on asking.
Until a path has opened before me, full of light.

But I was weak and fearful,
And didn't realize how important it was,
Not the path itself,
But the moment of choice.
And so I turned away and didn't take it.

Years later, here I was, crying
Because life was no longer what I thought it should be,
And the sand of time was now falling heavy.

I searched and searched in vain for that forgotten path
But when I found it, it was cold and empty.
And as I walked a couple of miles on it,
It disappeared.

More years have passed
More sand has fallen down and drifted away.
Again I asked
And kept on asking
And cried
And asked again.

Until another path revealed itself to me.

No longer do I see the glorious bright light
Instead, it's lined with thorns and flowers
And littered with strange foreboding objects
Alerting one to mystery and danger.

Yet, it is broader path, and well defined
And I can better see what lies ahead.

But of course I don't know where it ends.

And so I walk on it
With wobbly and usnure steps
Like those I took at the dawn of my childhood,

While the sand of time is falling like a snowstorm behind me
And each of little grains is

more so with every step I take.

and now I try to snatch a few and save them in a handful
the precious few

to carry them with me
and share with some others
who may be walking this path too some day
or are already doing so.

So here I am, plodding along slowly
I don't know where I am going
Or what I will become

I only know that now I am
The carrier of many grains of sand,
And this is more
Than I have ever been before.

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