Sunday, March 04, 2007

A fundamentalist Christian friend sent this to one of my groups:

> As a side note, we heard on the radio that a group
> of Jewish rabbies
> are looking for sheep to sacrifice in the temple.
> The Muslims have
> possession of the temple right now (from what I
> understand?) so this
> is a big issue. These 71 Jewish rabbies feel that
> Israel needs to
> get back to the sacrifice and they already have a
> red heifer (the
> first one they found was stolen or killed or
> something?). The 71
> rabbies are representative of the 70 judges that
> Moses had to help
> him rule the people of Israel. The Jews have not
> sacrificed in the
> Temple since AD 70. We know this has to happen for
> the last days
> prophecies to be fulfilled, because the antichrist
> will be the one to
> stop the temple sacrifices...3 1/2 years after they
> start (I think
> that's what I remember...correct me if I'm wrong).
> We have all
> heard that we are living in the end of times...but
> when we see the
> last of the last days prophecies being fulfilled, it
> really brings it
> home.

The big problem with this initiative is that the
Temple has not been rebuilt, nor are there any plans
to do so. Temple Mount isn't the same thing as the
temple of Jerusalem. It is a suggested location of the
two previously destroyed jewish temples, and also the
site of two major muslim religious shrines. As a
matter of fact, the Torah prohibits any person "from
entering the site of Temple Mount due to its

Thus, any sacrifices made in that area will represent
sacrelege. Those can only be done in the Temple.
Conservative Jews are taking offense at the blasphemy
of these sacrifices, proposed by what really is a
fringe, extremist group of rabbies.

A similar view is held by some orthodox Jews regarding
the beginnings of the state of Israel
( They believe
that repatriation of Jews in Israel was premature, as
it was led by nationalist secular forces, without an
expressive command from God. This opinion of 'the
true Torah Jews' certainly should be kept in mind when
considering israeli-palestinian conflict and Israel's
political stand in the world.

It is clear that someone is liberally using biblical
references to support a certain political agenda. It
is also clear that the Prophecy is being artificially
rushed to fulfillment. We may, and probably should,
ask two questions:
1) Why?
2) Who benefits?


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